Happy Thankgiving!

I’m grateful for waking up every morning and being able to walk and talk, interact with others and making a life on my own. 

I’m grateful for being happy with my husband and my kid. I’m grateful for having people in my life who makes me believe in myself and be what I wanted to be. 

So many other people can’t find their soulmate or have children, and live their lives alone and unhappy.

I’m grateful for having a home, food on the table and everything I need for a decent living. Millions of people live in hunger and cold. 

I’m grateful for all those things in my life that can’t be bought and paid for, but count more than a million dollars.

I hope you all enjoy them too!

What are you grateful for?

m grateful for having people in my life who makes me believe in myself and be what I wanted to be. 

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