The 5-Minute Makeover to Save a Stained T-shirt

Did I ever mention to you that I have my own stain factory at home? Two fine workers have been providing for years the most inventive and intricate ways to stain clothes. But it seems that I’m catching up lately and I’m doing it fast, with my white t-shirts splashed by every fruit I dare to eat. I might even get better then them.

What to do with so many stained t-shirts? Should I keep them or should I throw them away?

I enjoy the opportunity to replace some of the clothes so soon, because I love shopping. But I also really love some of these splashed clothes. Is there any way I can save and keep wearing as before that white t-shirt that I really love?

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Well, I found an easy answer, and here it is! Keep reading!

For example, let’s take this shirt that I bought a while ago during a shopping spree with my friend Irina:

I’m totally in love with the quote since it’s about me completely! Everything was just perfect till I found a bunch of annoying spots between the letters, that kept reappearing every time I was washing the t-shirt. So, I grabbed my textile pens for the easiest makeover I could think of.

Five dark spots turned into ten then into 30, in five different colors. Can you even spot the stains now?

I will give you a hint: follow the grey dots and try to see beyond them!

I choose dots to redesign my t-shirt, but you can easily choose anything else. If you need some inspiration, just check THIS ARTICLE for a few ideas.

And if you wonder what kind of pens I used, let me tell you that you need permanent fabric markers that won’t fade away after washing. The pictures below are taken after washing the t-shirt, and you can see how the colors kept their intensity. If you want to use the same thing like I did, you should look for Marabu textile pens, which seems to be the brand they use for the USA market.

It took me less than 5 minutes to complete this project, short enough to dress it ASAP and leave the house to follow my summer plans. Can you imagine an easy makeover for your favorite t-shirt?

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2 thoughts on “The 5-Minute Makeover to Save a Stained T-shirt”

  1. Mary-The Boondocks Blog

    That is brilliant Gabi! Very clever and no I cannot see any spots at all, just lots of pretty dots.

    1. Thank you, Mary 🙂 Actually, I liked this idea so much that I’ve based a new project on it, filling with dots things that weren’t even stained at all :))

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