The Easiest DIY Log Holder Without Spending a Dime

First I wanted to get rid of them, but then one idea came into my mind. What if I give these pieces of old wood a second chance and turn them into something useful on long term? Like a log holder.

So I saved them from burning, and built the cheapest and easiest DIY log holder one can have. I did not cut, I did not glue. Just a few nails and a cup of paint, and here’s my lovely DIY log holder!

What You Need for This Project

  • 2 square wood poles 4ft 9 inches long  (reclaimed wood)
  • 2 square wood poles 3ft 11inches long  (reclaimed wood)
  • Wooden board 2ft long x 1ft 2in wide x 0.8 in thick  (reclaimed wood)
  • 2 wood boards 2 ft long  (reclaimed wood)
  • 2 wood boards 1 ft 2 inches long  (reclaimed wood)
  • 25 to 30 nails or wood screws 2 inches long
  • Hammer / screw driver / drill hammer
  • A cup of paint (9 oz. but it depends on the type of the paint)
  • A brush for painting

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How to Build the Log Holder

I used 4 wood poles and a wooden board (2ft x 1ft 2in) to build a sort of table. Fix them on each corner as you see in the picture below, using the hammer and two or three nails for each corner. The nails I used were 2 inches long, and the wooden board was 0.8 inches thick.

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Two of the poles were shorter (3ft 11in), while two others were longer (4ft 9 in), but this difference was useful later in the project.

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I turned the so-called table upside down, then I used two boards (2 ft long each) to fix the poles on each side of the log holder. I did the same with the two rear poles, fixing them with a separate board, and two nails for each corner, too.

Be careful when hammering the nails into the wood, as the wood could easily split if you’re hitting too hard. That’s why I recommend using the wood screws instead, for fixing them better.

Since I had two long wooden board for the rear part, I used the second one to build a shelf between the two longer poles.

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Sand the wooden holder and clean it with a piece of cloth before painting it. I needed a cup of paint to cover and protect the log holder. I love the sight of reclaimed wood, but it really needed protections since it’s going to stay outside.

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When the paint dried, I moved the log holder into one corner of my backyard, and filled it with small cut branches and logs.

This is how it looks now! I am very proud of building it considering that fact that I did it all by myself in less than three hours (including the time needed for the paint to dry.)


Visit my blog to see more DIY projects and find out more about building things out of the reclaimed materials found around the house!

If you loved this project, then you also might like THE SIMPLEST ORGANIZER BUILT FOR FREE. Or, if you are a wood lover, you could learn HOW TO DIY AN AIRPLANE FLOATING SHELF FOR YOUR KID. Or maybe you have a friend that might use these ideas, so share this article with him!

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7 thoughts on “The Easiest DIY Log Holder Without Spending a Dime”

  1. Wow that log holder is beautiful Gabi! It made your corner looked organized and pretty at the same time. Well done! I’ll try to make one when I have time 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love your projects. These are my favorite things to do on weekend. Wait for your next post.Thanks for sharing.

  3. Minnie Scott

    Always always always in love with your DIY projects Gabi !!!
    They are all so easy to make, and sooo nice though !
    Thanks for sharing it, gonna make it this weekend to decorate my house for Christmas 🙂

  4. This is awesome Gabi. I love using reclaimed wood and pallets for projects and your log holder looks lovely. So much neater than before

    1. Thank you, Michelle. Reclaimed wood is a great resource, anything you build out of it, turns into a gorgeous item. There’s no other way to buy that original vintage look…

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