DIY on the Beach: How to Make a Tic Tac Toe Set in 30 Seconds

It took me more to write about this project than doing it. It was an idea that just bursted into my head while sunbathing on the beach, and I was lucky to have my drawing set with me. (Actually, I always do!)

You will say that tic-tac-toe is a pen-and-paper game, and I would say you are usually right. Except this this time, when I moved it out in the sand.

This is how I did it! Start counting, this could be the fastest DIY you have ever seen!


Get 10 small rocks, same size and same color. You need 10 rocks because any of the players can fill in 5 out of 9 spaces of the grid. You also need one or two Sharpies in different colors, but having one is enough since you will draw different signs for each player.

Draw harts on 5 rocks. Your job is half done.


Draw stars on the pther 5 rocks. Here comes yout Tic Tac Toe set!


Draw a 3 x 3 grid in the sand. Take the rocks and go play Tic Tac Toe with your kids!

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You can also use shells for this projects, or expand your grid from 3 x 3 to 4 x 4, which means that you need 16 rocks or 8 rocks for each player.

Whatever you use for this project, enjoy your DIY game!

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