The Simple Cleaning Trick that Keeps My Bathroom Spotless

Do you know those people whose houses are perfectly clean, and everything they have in their drawers and shelves is just perfectly aligned and dustless?

Well… I’m not one of them! You might find some small fingerprints on the glass doors, and maybe some of my colored pencils lost somewhere under the couch. Oh, and be careful not to break a leg if stepping on Lego pieces on your way to the entry door (they work as a burglar deterrent). I’d rather spend my time tickling some small feet and chasing the rabbit pet than rigorously placing the pillows on the couch, you know… I’ve been busy leaving a happy life, not cleaning.

But there’s one thing I can’t stand: dirt and mold in the bathroom. Oh, and there’s more than comes with the dirt: the awful smell of cleaning products bought from the supermarket, and also the itchy hands that come afterwards. Yes, I know, everybody uses protective gloves. Yeah, sure! Let’s be serious and let me ask you again: everybody uses gloves every time? No? I thought so!

So, what to do instead? Keep reading to find out the secret!

Good thing I have a traditionalist mother, that knows what my grandmother used for cleaning the house. Yeah, I know, they didn’t have tiled bathrooms in the countryside years ago, at least in my country, but their houses were spotless and perfectly safe for the kids.

Even so, there’s one thing that my grandma kept on hand to clean her homestead: vinegar. And that’s the base for making this awesome cleaning solution that keeps my bathroom spotless.

What You Need & What to Do

First, you need 25oz. white vinegar and a big orange.  Wash the orange thoroughly, in order to clean the wax that usually protects the peel. Peel the orange, then place the peels into a big jar, and pour all the vinegar on top. Cover it with the lid, and keep it for 2 weeks at room temperature.

A couple of weeks later, you’ll find that the peels have changed their color, while the vinegar looks like liquid amber. And the smell…oh…you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy it while using this cleaning solution.

Now, let’s get to work and make use of it to clean the bathroom!

How to Use the Cleaning Solution

I don’t know how hard is the water in the region where you live, but water hardness can turn into a real problem over here unless you take care of it properly.  The faucets will get stained, and the spots that remain will easily turn into stone if you don’t clean them at least once a few days.

This is how to solve it: spray the cleaning solution on dry surfaces and faucets, and let it work for a 5 to 10 minutes.

Wipe it out with a cloth or, if the stains are too bulky, clean them with a sponge or a brush. Actually, using a brush would be the best thing to do in order to clean small or thin spaces where you can hardly reach.

Finally, wash the surface with lukewarm water and you can even dry it with a cloth to see the results. As far as I’ve seen in my bathroom, those surfaces would be as clean as a clear mirror…

You’re still not sure if it works, are you? Take a look again! So clean that you can even count the scratches.

So, are they clean or what?

Let me tell you a secret: this solution would probably work even if you’re going to use only vinegar, with no addition of orange peels, but the smell wouldn’t be the same. And the bad bacteria that vinegar is killing would endure a much harder and painful death, considering the fact that the essential oil you can find in orange peel has anesthetic properties.

You’ll say that there’s no ancient secret hidden over here, and you might be right at some point. But even so, how comes that so many people still ignore the value of this old trick and other similar wisdom? We rely so much an industry and bought items that we forgot how healthy life used to be ages ago.

We should remember and practice old skills, so we could stay healthy and balanced. I know I will!

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12 thoughts on “The Simple Cleaning Trick that Keeps My Bathroom Spotless”

    1. Lemons are as good as oranges if you like them more 🙂 Their smell is awesome anyway and they pack a lot of healthy and helpful substances.

    1. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. The sweet smell will fill the house and make it seem fresh and totally clean. I hope you’ll like it. 🙂

  1. Christina Makri

    It is very important to me to keep my home clean and safe that’s why I search always the way to use natural products. I think the orange peels make the difference here in this recipe. Thank you for sharing with us your little secret 🙂

    1. Thank you, Christina 🙂 I hope it will help.
      It’s always a pleasure to check your blog. The latest project with the coral made out of a sponge left me speechless! I’ll share it with my readers, if you don’t mind 🙂

  2. acraftymix

    I love using all natural products in our home for cleaning and your wise grandmother’s idea to add orange peels to the vinegar mix really appeals to me Gabi. I bet it must smell so lovely. I’ll be mixing u a batch this weekend to try out. Thanks so much for the recipe

    1. Oranges were hard to find when she was young, so they used to make the most out of them. I hope this recipe will have the results you desired, Michelle! 🙂

  3. Hey, I LOVE this idea! Going back to our roots and what our Grandmothers used to do I also love. I’ve got to try this. Love the smell of oranges and I know vinegar is a wonderful cleaner. Gonna try it.

    1. Old ideas are always awesome. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and hope to see you back with the results.

  4. Mary-The Boondocks Blog

    Gabi when we first moved to Greece we also had this problem and I had no idea what to do because I was unaware of hard water problems. I started buying all these expensive products that cost too much and smelled terrible. And finally after years I learned about vinegar. I am too lazy to use the orange peels but I can attest that the vinegar does work wonders.

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