The Shabby Chic House Everyone Would Love to Own

This post appeared due to an unexpected encounter on Facebook, while I was skimming through DIY groups. One awesome home grabbed my attention as it was so beautiful and cozy that almost swept me in.

Few hours later, I got the owner’s approval for featuring it on my blog, so here it is: the gorgeous shabby chic house that Melanie has in the Northern Ireland.

You can follow Melanie on her Instagram account to see more pictures of her awesome house! Here’s what not to miss about this shabby chic house!

 “I find we have become a ‘throw away Society’ and no ones keeps things anymore, where as I love to upcycle and give new life to old things. Plus it’s a great hobby!”, Melanie says, and I couldn’t agree more. So she designed the house by herself on a budget, based on upcycling projects that turned old stuff into brand new design items.

“You’re here! Come on! You’re welcome!” At least that’s what this colored and cozy hallway tells me.

Want to go upstairs? Sure!

And here’s one of the areas that I love the most. Can you blame me?

What’s not to like on this blue velvet chair?

And now a sneak peak in the living room:

The Kitchen

This is one of the coziest places I have ever seen in a home. If you wonder where this feeling is coming from, take a look at the rocking chair, the wood surfaces, warm light and the cupboard. I bet any item you touch over there has a story to tell.


The Bedrooms

They are all beautiful and different, and I bet they are fit for the people living there! I would choose the girlish one for me, the one with the yellow cat on the bed. What about you?

Tough Choices

I asked Melanie about her favorite item she has upcycled to design her house. For me, it was almost impossible to choose from the blue velvet chair, the colored patched rug she has in the hallway, the cupboard and the coffee table with colored top.

I bet that was a tough question, and I was right. In the end, Melanie told me that she had her own choice, which included the table and chairs where she and her family sat for meal times and some good conversation. “It’s a very good set which I painted, and recovered the seats,” Melanie said.

Another favorite item Melanie upcycled was a wall dresser that was old and had yellow pine color. “It was actually going to the dump. I saved it and it houses my beautiful cups, saucers and teapots now”, Melanie said.

The Outdoor Dream

What about the garden you would ask? Let’s see how Melanie managed to organize and design the outer space too, also it would relate with the rest of the property.

What I love the most about this house is how all the things and colors are balanced and also connecting to each other. It takes great taste and sense of esthetics to make them work, but Melanie definitely nailed it!

“I can promise you it was done on a budget, in the last two years,” Melanie says.

Well, Melanie, you did an awesome job upcycling on a budget!

Sharing is caring, so share this article with your friends, to inflame their inspiration too!

6 thoughts on “The Shabby Chic House Everyone Would Love to Own”

  1. acraftymix

    I’m in love with Melanie’s home Gabi. It makes such a refreshing change from all the farmhouse styled home you always see. Love how she mixed and matched so many different eclectic things and vibrant colors to create such a beautiful space. And all those purr babies, awwww <3

    1. That’s what I love about her house too. And I was more than thrilled to have her approval for featuring her home on my blog.

  2. What an utterly delightful space! I’m totally charmed! When I saw your first photo, I said to myself…OK, it’s a dollhouse. All the photos show nothing but a gorgeous, colorful, and homey spot.

    1. It might look like a doll house, but there is a human being living in there!… It just became my favorite house! And if you check Melanie’s Instagram account you’ll see even more pictures of this home from different angles.

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