The Easiest Makeover You Can Have Using Wine Corks

I have one more reason to meet my friends for a glass of wine: I need wine corks for this new project. It’s easy, it’s free, it’s a great idea! And I bet you would never imagine what it’s all about. 

Go check your kitchen furniture, you might want to update it too after seeing my project!

There’s Always Room for a Beer or a Wine…

Gather all the wine corks you can get. If you need more, call your friends over for a a glass of wine, or whatever else suits you. You may choose the drink according to the needs for this DIY project. 🙂

Here’s what I used for this project, and believe me when I tell you that there was no sacrifice in drinking this beer which is available in my country, and has been made by Belgian monks!

The idea of using wine corks for this project came from nowhere. I just found myself drawing on a cork that I found on the kitchen table, and I was completely thrilled by this new canvas! I just don’t know how I didn’t think about it sooner than that.

Let’s get back to business… oh, to corks, I mean! Clean the corks gently with a wet sponge, and let them dry.

Use a spray paint to cover them with your favorite color, or you can save them as they are and cover them later with only a coat varnish, for protection. Otherwise, the corks will absorb humidity or might get easily scratched.

Once the spray paint has dried, draw something on the wine corks using a sharp marker. You can draw anything you want only on the cap, or all over, as you wish. I didn’t know what to choose between lilies, shamrock leaves, wild flowers, stars and stripes, so I draw them all, on different corks… It’s on you to decide which one of them looks prettier.

Once you finished the design, cover the corks with a coat of varnish for long time protection of your art, and let them dry completely. If you don’t have varnish on hand, a coat of nail polish would also work, but prepare yourself for a Sisif job since the nail polish is harder to apply than the usual varnish.

OK, we painted them, and they look great, beautiful, supernice I might say, whatever, but… are they useful or we just had some head medicine to keep us healthy these days? Well, we are going to use them for…

…Making Knobs for the Kitchen Furniture

I haven’t seen anybody doing this till now. Do you wonder where this idea came from? I just had a bunch of corks and I started to wonder where would they fit in besides all the places that other people put them, and showed in pictures on Pinterest afterwards. And that’s what I found!

Let’s do it! It’s easier than you think, and it’s an awesome DIY idea!!

First of all, turn the cork upside down and make a small hole to mark the center of the stalk. Now you’ve just turned your nicely painted wine cork into a knob!

Fix the cork knob on your furniture door with a wood screw whose length is 3/4 of your new DIY knob. You have to use a screw in order to prevent the cork knob from breaking.

Screw slowly, so you could feel when the metal stops drilling through the knob.Now let’s see the final look!


Let’s make a short list of the materials needed for this project:

  • Wine corks  (reclaimed)
  • Screws 3/4 of the knobs long
  • Marker
  • Spray paint and varnish

Easy peasy! Can you imagine an easier kitchen furniture makeover?

Stay close for more DIY projects and ideas! Happy crafting to you all!

2 thoughts on “The Easiest Makeover You Can Have Using Wine Corks”

  1. repurposingjunkie

    What a great repurpose of wine corks!! Pretty and practical, win win!!

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