How to DIY a Funny Bunny Tin Can Planter

There are so many ways you can upcycle tin cans that you could make a list to the Moon and back. Add this DIY project on the list too.

It’s an easy way to turn tin cans into funny bunnies that would hold your plants, that would perfectly integrate into your Easter home decor scenario.

Keep reading to find out how to craft them!

Here’s what you need for this upcycling project:

  • tins cans in different sizes,
  • white spray paint ( I prefer Maston, which is a Finnish paint, but other spray paint will work too),
  • black and red Sharpie or other permanent marker,
  • a piece of ribbon for each tin can.

Once you have your tin cans cleaned, paint them with the spray paint and let them dry. To create the bunnies, draw small eyes on each tin can, then add a nose and a few thin lines on each side of the nose, for the moustache.

Cut a piece of ribbon 8-in longer than the diameter of the can, and tie a bow at the upper end of it. That’s it! Your funny bunny planter is ready!

I can’t imagine something easier than this! What do you think??

4 thoughts on “How to DIY a Funny Bunny Tin Can Planter”

    1. Thank you, Linda! I saw you bunny bags too, and I put their fluffy buts on my to do list! 🙂 I love rabbits, and I actually have one!

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